Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Way to Make American Churches More Reachable by Everyone

Many Americans, particularly some pastors, think bigger is better. Roberts sees many pastors who believe their role should be to grow a mega-church. Many of these pastors seem to desire the adulation that comes from having a large congregation and being perceived as a leader who can give excellent lessons. But, is that what God wants from his church? I think Roberts' answer is 'No.'

Roberts leads a small church in a Texas town but he has connections with a number of leaders in other countries, particularly the East. He believes that much of what these churches are doing is more in line with God's work than the mega-churches that fill with worshipers on Sunday, but have little carry over into these worshipers daily lives. He believes that pastors should be more interested in making disciples than in self-aggrandizement.

Roberts believes churches should emphasize growing the church through loving relationships that emphasize Jesus. Inspiring others to take up the call to build new churches and supporting this endeavor is more important than building a mega-church. Give other people a chance to be involved in the ministry.

This is a valuable book for anyone looking at churches in America today. I enjoyed the book and think that if more pastors took Roberts ideas to heart and practiced them we would have a more vibrant Christian life today.

I received this book from Handlebar for this review.

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