Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ancient Mysteries. Las Vegas Casinos, and Human Trafficking

Michael Tirano, owner of the Seven Sins Hotel and Casino, is looking to expand, but he has run afoul of the Nevada Gaming Control Board, or is someone out to take over his empire? Scarlett Swan, the love of his live, is an archaeologist working in Transylvania. She finds a mysterious document that someone is trying to keep from exposure. His sister, Raven Khan, has become involved with Saltuk, a crime kingpin. A ship she boards as a pirate turns out to be carrying women and children, a product of human trafficking.

The three strands of the plot are cleverly woven together to keep the story moving at a rapid pace. Each strand builds on the findings from the other until the novel reaches it's exciting conclusion. Although there are three separate plot lines. It's not hard to follow. Each plot is distinct. The chapters are short and although there are many characters, because they are attached to each plot line it's not hard to remember who they are.

Michael Tirano is a heroic protagonist. He wields great power, but he also has compassion. One of the early scenes, shows him buying the home of a couple who are being evicted and leasing it back to them at favorable terms. He, like Las Vegas, has a bright exterior covering dark secrets.

The other characters act primarily in the service of the plot. This is an action novel, not one with serious character development. If you enjoy fast paced action, you'll enjoy this book.

I reviewed this book for PR by the Book.

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