Monday, June 9, 2014

Murder on the Isle of Lewis Off the Coast of Scotland{ The Black House by Peter May

Fin Macleod is grieving over the death of his eight-year-old son when his past comes back to haunt him. A murder on the Isle of Lewis looks like a copycat of the murder in Edinburgh that Fin is working on. He's dispatched to the Isle of Lewis to see if the two cases are connected.

When he arrives on the Isle of Lewis where he grew up, the people and events from his childhood resurface. The murdered man was the school bully. Fin still remembers his taunts. Fin's best friend Artair is now a disappointed man who drinks too much, and he's married to Marsaili, the woman they were both in love with.

As Fin joins the search for the killer, events from the past come flooding back, and he finds it progressively harder to put them to rest.

The unusual setting on the Isle of Lewis makes this book. I thoroughly enjoyed the stark beauty. The plot has a series of twists that keep you guessing about the outcome. However, the characters feel more like actors on a stage than people you can feel emotionally attached to.

The book is framed as a chapter of investigation followed by a chapter recounting events from Fin's past. I found this very choppy. Although the long flashbacks were relevant, they took away from the forward motion of the plot. The ending is well done and exciting, but you have to wade through the flashbacks to get there.

I recommend this book for the unusual setting, but if you dislike the disruption of long flashbacks, this isn't the book for you.

I reviewed this book for Net Galley.  

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