Monday, October 10, 2011

Excellent Advice for Anyone in A Management Position, or Who Wants To Be

The 360 Degree Leader is an excellent resource for anyone in management, or those still striving to get there. Maxwell covers all the bases with fast paced anecdotes and easy to understand advice. One of the most difficult things to do in an organization is learn how to be a manager at the level you're at. Many new hires expect to become CEO within the next few years, but few have any understanding of what that entails. Maxwell gives anyone in the organization a blueprint for what to strive for. The most telling piece of advice is to become a person that other people want to follow.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Having worked in industry and in large volunteer organizations, I can say that his advice is dead on target. Not everyone can have the top title, or any title for that matter, but everyone in the organization can help move the organization forward by leading from the position they're in. Leadership doesn't depend on a title. It depends on how well you can make others follow your direction.

I highly recommend this book. Everyone with a job, or just starting out should read it. In fact, it has a lot to say if you're a family member. Leading is something that should be pervasive in your life.

I reviewed this book as part of the Thomas Nelson Booksneeze Program. 

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