Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ambitious Review of Philosophy in a Christian Context: Philosophy: A Student's guide by David Naugle

David Naugle presents a review of philosophy: metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, epistemology ethics and aesthetics in a slim volume of slightly over 100 pages. The book is designed as an overview for the beginning student in philosophy and obviously requires a great deal more information and study to bring the intricacies of philosophy to life.

The book is well written. He states his position as primarily Augustinian and canonical Trinitarian thesism. In this framework he discusses the major philosophers from Plato and Aristotle to Kant and Hegel. While the book is necessarily sketchy in reviewing these major philosophical trends, it does give useful information and a way to view philosophy in a Christian context.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book. However, I had an extensive undergraduate grounding in philosophy. I would recommend the book to anyone who wants to put Christian philosophy in the context of the other major philosophical schools. I particularly enjoyed the final chapter in which Naugel discusses the vocation of Christian philosophers. You can disagree with his point of view, but it has a great deal of merit and is well worth reading.

I reviewed this book for Crossway Publishing.

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