Sunday, September 18, 2016

Moving Beyond the Personal Search for Glory

David Boudia is a world class diver and Olympian. Growing up he was a talented athlete, but diving was where he excelled. However, David saw his exceptional talent as a road to wealth and fame rather than a god-given talent that could be used to bring glory to God.

In his first Olympics in 2008, he was sure he was the best and would bring glory to a flagging US Diving Team. The result was the opposite. He won no medals and felt practically suicidal. However, he pulled himself together, continued diving, and at the end of high school accepted a place at Purdue University.

Struggling with his use of marijuana and alcohol, he finally went to his coach, Adam Soldati, for guidance and was helped to find Jesus. It was a turning point in his life and led to a much different Olympic experience in 2012.

The book is told with candor and shows David's deep commitment to Christian values. It also contains a very interesting description of competitive diving. Even if you don't find his embrace of a Christian lifestyle interesting, the book is well worth reading for the descriptions of the Olympics and diving. It also shows the pitfalls of doing something for the personal glory it will bring you.

I received this book from BookLookBloggers for this review.   

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