Friday, August 17, 2012

When the Caregiver Needs Care

Ava believes she has the perfect family. She's planning a wedding for her daughter to a boy both she and her husband love; her son is a football player and doing well scholastically; her husband has a profitable business. They live in a beautiful house. This is all so different from the family she grew up in. Ava gives back by her ministry to the brokenhearted, never believing that she might be one of them.

When Ava's life crumbles, she has trouble coming to terms with her changed circumstances until the unexpected forces her to connect with the family she ran away from thirty years ago.

I enjoyed this book. It shows how God works through adversity to change lives for the better. Ava is an interesting character. She's trapped in her dislike for the family she grew up in. They aren't particularly nice people, but by continuing to be angry with her father and the way she grew up she's holding herself in place, refusing to grow.

The story shows that the unfinished business whether from our childhood, or some other traumatic event can hold us back from fully loving and giving ourselves to the people in our present. It reminds us that even though we're serving God, we need to examine our lives to see whether there are issues that keep us from fully committing to life.

I reviewed this book for the Thomas Nelson Booksneeze Program.  

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