Monday, June 6, 2011

The Waiting Place Makes Waiting More Meaningful

Eileen Button taps into a life situation that faces all of us . . . waiting. Most of us hate it, but waiting has it's place in God's plan. Astonishing things can happen in the waiting place. The trick is to take advantage of them. Too often we fail to see the wonderful things that are happening because we are so focused on the future. I recommend reading The Waiting Place as a way to slow down and see all the marvelous things happening in your own life.

The book consists of short essays about various life situations: waiting to grow up, waiting to get married, and even waiting for fish to bite. I found the essays poignant. Sometimes I laughed, sometimes I cried, but I couldn't stop reading.

This is the kind of book you give to your children. The kind of book that if someone is in a difficult place can bring solace. I loved it. I particularly loved the fact that it brought back my own memories of being in the waiting place. Perhaps now I will look more closely at what's happening when it seems as if life is at a standstill.

I reviewed this book as part of the Thomas Nelson Booksneeze Program.

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