Saturday, June 18, 2022

Assess Your Advantages

This book makes the excellent point that everyone has advantages. The important thing is to recognize them and build on your strengths. If your ambition is to start a company or a business, don’t just look at successful people and try to model yourself after them. The authors give you a tool to look at your own advantages and use them to succeed.

Certainly some advantages such as money, family background, education and intelligence to name a few can play a major role in your success, but they are not the determinants. Bill Gates had monetary and family background advantages, but he also had intelligence and drive. The later qualities are what made the difference in his success. The key is to look at yourself honestly and decide what your strengths are then make a plan that will use them.

I think this is an important book for anyone wanting to create a startup. There are many other rules to follow to become a success, but taking advantage of your special gifts is one of the most important.

I received this book from St. Martin’s Press for this review.


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