Friday, December 31, 2021

Clever Presentation of Math Concepts


Math sometimes seems arcane and unconnected to the real world, particularly to high school students struggling with algebra. This book attempts to make difficult concepts understandable through language and pictures rather than mathematical formulas. I found it a fascinating approach and easy to understand.

The book covers three major topics: topology, analysis, and algebra. I found the topology section best adapted to his approach. The algebra section got more complicated with more words than pictures. I particularly liked the section on science. Physicists use lots of math and sometimes it obscures their ideas for general readers. This book made a valiant effort to bring the math into the real world.

I recommend this book if you’re intrigued by math, but are afraid of being confronted by numbers and equations. I hope it draws more people into exploring math without fear and with an idea of how it relates to the real world.

I received this book from Dutton for this review.

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