Thursday, January 12, 2023

Friendship and Psychopathology


Clare left her grandmother’s home in France to study in Edinburgh, Scotland. She is trying to escape an incident in her past. Gradually, she finds a job and starts taking classes in art history. In her classes she meets Tabitha, Ava, and Samuel. The group of rich, privileged young people, draws her. She wants to be involved. Tabitha is beautiful, but there’s something about her that makes Clare nervous. Still she is drawn to the other girl.

When Clare becomes a member of the group, Tabitha reveals her plan. She needs Clare. Clare is wary but by then the friendship has become a dominant factor in her life, and she can’t pull away. It becomes even more threatening when it appears that Tabitha knows something damaging about Clare.

This is an interesting psychological thriller based on friendship, or more accurately co-dependence. As the girls become more entwined the mood becomes darker and darker. The opening incident sets the dark tone, the novel then becomes slower as Clare adjusts to her new life, then it speeds up at the end in a much darker conclusion.

I found the book interesting. The author writes well. However, she seemed much more interested in creating atmosphere than plot development. The characters are well drawn, but I couldn’t like any of them, including Clare. For me, that made the book less enjoyable.

I received this book from Penguin Random House for this review.

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