Friday, July 1, 2022

Complicated Relationships


Hazel and Alfie are attracted to each other and sleep together. The complication is that they share an apartment. Now they don’t know how to behave, and this makes it awkward. Then Emily, Hazel’s sister. and her wife Daria come to visit. This married same-sex couple is deciding whether to have a baby. Emily desperately wants one, but Daria isn’t convinced. Of course, the donor they decide on is Alfie which adds to the already complicated relationships.

On the good side, I liked Hazel and Alfie and the writing has amusing scenes. However, it’s not enough to carry the novel. The relationships are complicated and poor decisions make things more difficult, Hazel linking up with Max, who is an unattractive character, is one example.

The epilogue turned me off the book. Covid19 was a difficult time for many people. Now a lot of us, me included, would like to move on. Using Covid19 as a setting to resolve the issues of the novel seemed a poor choice. It changed the feel of the novel from mildly amusing, to frustrating.

I received this book from Dutton for this review.

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