Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Victim 2117 Sets Off a Chain of Terror

Joan Aiguader, a down on his luck reporter, thinks he has a story about the migration to Europe when victim 2117 washes up on the coast of Cyprus. He knows he’s on to something bigger when the woman is turned over and instead of drowning, she was killed by a stab wound in her back.

Alexander, an isolated teenager, stays in his room playing video games and building anger toward the world. Victim 2117 is his sign to take action.

Department Q, headed by Detective Carl MΓΈrck becomes involved through Assad. The victim is someone from his past. He knows the murder spells possible acts of international terrorism. Finally, he breaks his silence on his background as he and his co-workers are drawn into a very dangerous plot.

This is an outstanding Department Q Novel. The plot is complex involving not only the characters from Department Q, Carl, Rose, Gordon, and Assad, but a troubled teen, an international terrorist, and a news reporter. The action pulses with tension as events unfold.

The characters in Department Q are shown to advantage as they work together against two fronts, a teenager who wants to take out his hostility on his family and the world, and Ghallib, an international terrorist who has ties to Assad’s past. I think this is one of the best Department Q novels from the standpoint of plot and getting to know more about the characters. I highly recommend it.

I received this book from Penguin Random House for this review.

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