Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Building Family in the Wake of Disaster

In this dystopian novel, the world is recovering from a devastating flu epidemic that killed seventy percent of the population. In San Francisco, three people are struggling to put their lives back together. Moira was a famous pop star under the thumb of her father. When the flu hit, she took the opportunity to evade him and start a new life. Krista is a wedding planner who plans to survive in this strange new world. Rob is a single parent trying to care for his daughter Sunny. He has been afraid to tell Sunny that her mother is dead which leads to problems in their relationship.

Although this story is science fiction, the emphasis is on character development. The background of San Francisco is well done and adds realism to the story. The plot is fairly simple because the characters drive the story. The three adults are drawn together trying to help Sunny who is having trouble adjusting because Rob can’t bring himself to tell her the truth about her mother. As the adults try to help the child they create a strong emotional bond.

The theme of this story is creating family. We usually think of the nuclear family, but in the devastating circumstances following the flu pandemic family becomes those who you are close to and form a strong caring relationship. I enjoyed reading a science fiction story where science took a back seat to the emotions of the characters.

I received this book from Harlequin for this review.

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