Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Technothriller That Could Happen Today

A devastating cyberattack cripples the US just as President Focillo is set to announce the creation of a cabinet level group, Net Force, to deal with the cyberthreats posed by all the non-secure device in the US. She knows that the nation’s number one threat will undoubtedly come from cyberattacks, but she has not been able to persuade Congress or the skeptical intelligence agencies of the seriousness of the threat.

This is a very detailed look at cyberattacks. It is closely written, packed with information, but it is easy to read because the author keeps the technical detail at a manageable level for the average reader. The plot is complex with plenty of action and the cast of characters very large. However, I found it easy to follow. The major characters are threaded through the action with chapters devoted to scenes
in other countries and organizations.

One of my favorite characters is Kali, she appears in the opening of the novel. She’s young, but she has an obvious skill in cybertechnology. She’s tough, able to cleverly use judo to disable a strong man. She also wants to maintain her independence.

The setting moves through various countries. Each area is well described. You could almost be there and the characters are well developed so you feel as if you know them. My only real criticism is that the ending felt unfinished. I suspect that’s because another book is planned.

If you enjoy technothrillers, this is a good one. It’s long, but it keeps your interest.

I received this book from Harper Collins for this review.

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