Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Thoughts about Finding God in Your Life

Frederick Beuchner writes as though he were having a friendly visit with you, sharing his views on God and reflecting on his own story. It’s a wonderful way to spend a few hours.

In the first part of the book Beuchner focuses on the arts, music, painting and literature as a way to become attuned to your life. Music is a particularly good way to be present in the moment. In music we can feel time. It helps us focus on being in the world.

In the second half of the book, Beuchner tells stories from his own life. I particularly liked the one about Maya Angelou. They were featured on the same program each telling their story. When he introduced Angelou, he spoke of the differences between their stories, but Maya focused on the similarities. Beuchner concludes that the justification for telling your own story is that it will resonate with others.

Some of the stories are poignant. Beuchner talks of his father’s suicide. It took many years for him to come to grips with his feelings. I think that’s why he so often tells the story.

This is a lovely book. It gives you much food for thought, a book to be savored not taken at a gulp.

I received this book from Handlebar Publishing for this review.

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