Saturday, October 10, 2009

No Problems, Only Opportunities

Managers, leaders, and YOU should read this book. In Obstacles Welcome, Ralph de la Vega give a blueprint for success. Having worked in the aerospace industry for years, I know Ralph is right. I've seen managers who follow his principles and succeed – against the odds – and I've seen and worked for managers who couldn't think outside the box. Ralph's ideas really do work.

In addition to giving an inspirational message to managers and aspiring leaders, Ralph tells a great story. He faced challenges: hurricanes in Florida, political unrest in South America, and the daunting task of merging two giant telecommunications companies. Each time, the obstacles led to major successes because of Ralph's attitude. I very much enjoyed being a spectator on the journey.

I also found his emphasis on helping the younger generation of leaders excellent. No matter what kind of a business you work in, if you're a manager, people are watching you to model their behavior on yours. It's important to remember that if you want your company to succeed you must walk the image you want to project. Young people and lower level managers will try to follow your example. Embrace Ralph's guidelines and make it a good one.

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