Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A WWII Romance in Occupied Paris

 In 1944 Paris was a very dangerous place. The Nazis were being pushed back, and it was rumored that and Allied invasion was immanent. Genevieve Dumont is a celebrated singer and toast of the Nazis, which allows her to move about the city freely even at night. However, Genevieve is also allied with the Resistance through her agent Max Bonet.

Genevieve has been estranged from her family for years and has even changed her name, but when she receives word that her mother Lillian the Baroness de Rocheford has been captured because the Nazis believe that she has information about the Allied Invasion, Genevieve knows she has to act to save her mother, even if it means revealing her true identity.

This story is rather more fantasy than the average WWII story, but it does have realistic background including the torture conducted on supposed spies and Resistance workers by the Nazis. Sometimes it’s hard to read moving from the fantasy portrayal of Genevieve’s fame to the harsh reality of life under the Nazi regime.

Genevieve and Max are brave characters risking their lives to save France. They are also attracted to each other, but it’s a romance that doesn’t interfere with the objectives of the Resistance and winning the war.

This story not only explores the war, but also the bonds that hold families together even in the worst circumstances. It raises the novel above just another romantic WWII adventure story.

I received this book from Harlequin for this review.

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